Well shortly after I wrote the last entry, Jacob got kicked out of the boat by Michael and Jim, I guess they got tired of him getting hung up all the time. It wasn’t but a few minutes later I was with him at the dock and he caught two pan fish! Then a little while later he was on the shoreline casting out near where Michael and Jim were fishing in the boat, and Jake caught a nice little bass! I told him to rub it in real good, since they kicked him out of the boat and then he catches three fish! We went back to camp and cooked dinner, yes it was hamburger again! Then we all sat down around the camp fire and did a portion of the podcast for the week. It wasn’t long after that, when the two guys we talked to at the boat launch stopped by for a chat. After that we sat around the fire until around 11:00pm.
The alarm rang at the usual 5:30am the next morning, this would be our last hunt of the trip. As we got ready, I was anxious to get into the woods, but sad that it would be the last one of this trip. We got to the parking spot, but someone else was already there. We had to go to plan B. We

drove up the road a ways and found a nice spot that might hold some birds and we set out. Jim and Michael went one way and Jake and I went the other. We found a spot to head into the woods and Jake noticed that there was a deep creek bottom, he told me that he wanted to hunt down there! Reluctantly I ventured down and got us set up in quick fashion, since the sun was getting ready to pop. I made a series of calls with no luck. About 45 minutes into the setup we heard a gobble down the creek bed, but it was way down there, I threw a set of calls that way after hearing two gobbles, but it wasn’t to be today. I wasn’t chasing a Tom that far and he wasn’t coming that far to us either. We made our way back up to the road bed and found Mike and Jim waiting for us, and they had a similar story to tell. They heard a Tom but couldn’t get him to budge and he was way off in the distance. We took some pictures of all of us in our camo and then headed back to camp.

This is always the worst part of a trip, breaking camp and heading back home. We had an awesome time, and it is an experience that I will never forget. It was so much fun to introduce my youngest son to hunting and sharing that with my oldest son. We also got to introduce my brother in law to turkey hunting, we made some memories and spent some good male bonding time together in God’s great outdoors! No bird was tagged, but what more could you ask for!
I'm sad you didn't get any birds but I can only imagine what fun you had with your boys. Especially Jake and his first Turkey hunt on his birthday to boot! 14 days to go til we smack a few Michigan turkeys! no camping though.. unless you wanna build a fire in my back yard..
What more could you ask for? Absolutely nothing - sounds like the perfect trip to me! Nothing like introducing someone to some form of hunting or fishing and being able to spend quality time with family - ain't nothin' better! Glad to hear you had a wonderful time.
Sounds like a perfect hunt to me. Some of my favorites hunts are ones that didn't even involve a kill.
It's great that the boy got to experience his first hunt as well.
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