The above target was for 25 yards. First shot was 7 clicks high, and 1 click left. We went down 3/4 of a round and right about 1/4 round. That put us right on top of the bull, I went over 5 clicks which put us basically in the same spot only dead center horizontally. I then moved down 5 clicks which dropped it down to 1 click below the bull. This seemed to drop too much so I shot again and it drifted right about 1 click. We then cleaned the rifle and moved it back up 5 clicks. That last shot put us back on top of the bull. Thinking that it was close enough, we moved on to the 50 yard range.

The above target was used for the different patterns to see if they shot differently. I used the cross hair pattern to do the basic sight in. Michael wanted to switch to the small red dot and tried to shoot the bottom left target. As you can see the 5 shot group was about 3 clicks high and one click left. He then switched back to the cross hair pattern and shot the bottom right target and put 3 shots in the inner black ring, one just on the edge of the same ring and one flyer. I never shot it with the small dot, so I don't know if it was him or the pattern that made the difference. I do know that I like to use the cross hair pattern to draw my eye to the center of the target.
Once we got sighted in the boys began to plink away, with good sucess. Later in the day about after about 100 rounds into it, Jake had a misfire!!! I cleared the action and inspected the round. The firing pin DID hit the primer rim, but it didn't fire. I then took two pliers and pulled the bullet out of the case and dumped the powder out onto the snow. There was a clear impression made on the primer rim. This is the first time I have experienced this and I guess it does happen every so often. You just need to be careful when pulling the bullet out to disable the round.
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