Finally Some Thick Ice!
We finally got back out on the ice today. We hooked up with our good friend Chuck Parr, who brought his son out for his first ice fishing experience. It is nice to see guys bringing their kids out and giving them the chance to experience the outdoors.
We headed out to our local duck hunting lake, Lake Ponemah. Not knowing where to fish, since we have never ice fished this lake before, I tried spots that I had some success at this summer. WRONG! We hit two different spots with no luck, but we did have over 12" of solid ice. We spent about 2 hours on the ice and not even one bite between five people. After moving once we tried a spot we had success at this summer near a small inlet channel. It wasn't 15 minutes till a local gentleman came out to talk with us. He informed us that the fish had moved to the west and northwest end of the lake. He said that, the fish move during the winter to the far end of the lake. No one ever has any success near the area we were at. We stood around and talked for about 1/2 hour or so. It was nice to talk to another fisherman and hunter about the outdoors. If more people would take the time to share information like this the woods and water would be a better place. We get so hung up at times about our spot, and not sharing information with others. I guess we are afraid that we might give up our secret spot! I understand that everyone has their secret spot, but it never hurts to give some general info to help out others, so they can enjoy the sport also.
Chuck's boy had a good time and my kids had a good time, that is all that counts. No fish sticks for us today.
Ant-Man (2015)
10 years ago
Hey Mike, my son Peter (8yrs old) and I recently subscribed to your pod casts and have been reading over your blogs. Every night before bed Peter asks me if there is a new episode for him to listen to. He loves talking about yotes , ice fishing and hunting. There are many nights when he falls asleep in his bed listening to your stories and adventures (if only his mom new) We live in Cincinnati, but we are originally from Michigan- have family in southeast Michigan and Muskegon. We love to go fishing in Muskegon Lake and Lake M. during the summer. Listening to you reminds us of being back in Michigan. Peter thinks your son is really cool. Keep up the good work. -Chris and Peter from Cincinnati
Thanks for the kind words, keep on listening, hope we can continue to encourage and entertain you son. The kids are what its all about.
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