On this weeks podcast I talked about the Cook County board of commissioners trying to pass a local ordinance that would basically prohibit anyone or any business from legally selling a firearm inside of Cook County which is basically the Chicago, IL area. The weblink is to the board of commissioners web site. There are a few email address listed, but not many. There are phone numbers listed for contacts, this seems to me that these elected people don't want to be bothered with concerns regarding the rules and ordinances they pass, that effect so many people. Feel free to let them know how you feel. Also posted below is the story behind the ordinace that will block the new Cabela's store from being able to sell firearms and ammo as well as any existing stores in the county.
Cook County Commissioners Trying to Shut Down All Gun Stores in County
NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the trade association of the firearms industry -- is encouraging all sportsmen, hunters and firearms enthusiasts to contact the Cook County Board of Commissioners and urge them to oppose a string of county ordinances that if passed would result in a shutdown of firearms dealers and a ban on guns. The move by NSSF follows the introduction of three proposed ordinances by County Commissioners Larry Suffredin and William Beavers that would shut down all gun stores in Cook County, including Chuck's Gun Shop and the recently opened Cabela's in Hoffman Estates.
"As if gun control laws in the Land of Lincoln weren't draconian enough, it now appears select Cook County commissioners are attempting to systematically evict every law-abiding firearms retailer in the county," said NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane. "It is imperative that firearms owners and enthusiasts act now to stop these gun-ban proposals before it's too late."
The "Deadly Weapon Dealers Ordinance," a proposal by Commissioner Suffredin, would prohibit federally licensed firearms dealers from operating within 10 miles of one another and would ban all gun shows in the county. Further restrictions on where firearms retailers would be allowed to operate are predicated on proximity to schools and parks. Commissioner Suffredin was recently quoted as saying, "As a home rule unit, Cook County has the legal right to regulate where these establishments [gun stores] are allowed to operate. Chuck's Gun Shop is within one mile of a school which will not be allowed once this ordinance passes."
Also introduced as part of this anti-gun package of laws is the "Safe Streets and Weapons Registration Ordinance," introduced by Commissioner Beavers. This ordinance would require the registration of all firearms and firearms owners in Cook County. Closer examination of the proposed ordinance reveals an even more diabolical gun-control scheme -- as written, the ordinance would actually ban firearms in the county including any handgun without a loaded chamber indicator. Furthermore, the ordinance prohibits transporting a firearm in a vehicle unless the gun is completely disassembled into a "nonfunctioning state." This includes rifles that have already been sighted-in and revolvers that cannot be simply "broken down" into a nonfunctioning state.
Though no set date has been given for when these anti-gun proposals will be brought up for consideration, communications from NSSF, including a legislative alert released last month, make clear that firearms owners and sportsmen would be wise to act immediately by voicing their strong opposition to these proposals to the Cook County Board of Commissioners.
Ant-Man (2015)
10 years ago
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